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Cloud Engineering

Unleash the Power of Technology with Minutus Computing's Cloud Engineering

Our Cloud Infrastructure services below are meticulously crafted to empower you with

Scalability, Security and Innovation

Cloud Strategy and Planning

Each customer is distinct and every requirement is unique. We specialize in crafting a bespoke cloud strategy aligned with your business goals for seamless adoption and optimization.

Assessment and Readiness

Evaluating your current infrastructure and determining cloud readiness.

Cloud Migration Planning

Developing a comprehensive strategy for migrating workloads to the cloud.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Ensuring cost-effective solutions aligned with your budget.

Cloud Architecture and Design

It involves creating a comprehensive blueprint for deploying applications, services and data in a cloud environment. We understand details of it & embed the design principles, frameworks and components to define cloud-based systems for your specific needs.

Multi-Cloud Architecture

Designing solutions that leverage the strengths of multiple cloud providers.

Scalability and Elasticity

Ensuring your infrastructure can grow or shrink based on demand.

High Availability and Disaster Recovery

Designing for continuous operation and data protection.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

It is one of the foundational pillars of cloud computing, offering a scalable and flexible solution for meeting the computing needs of businesses. Our partners manage & maintain the underlying physical infrastructure, while we help manage your virtualized resources.

Virtual Machines and Storage

Offering flexible and scalable computing resources.

Networking Services

Designing and managing cloud-based networks for optimal performance.

Identity and Access Management

Ensuring secure access to your cloud resources.

Cloud Security and Compliance

Implementation of measures to protect data, applications and infrastructure in cloud environments while ensuring adherence to industry regulations and standards. We work with a holistic approach to cybersecurity, focusing on confidentiality, integrity, availability and regulatory compliance.

Data Encryption

Securing data both in transit and at rest.

Identity Management

Managing access and permissions securely.

Continuous Monitoring and Compliance Audits

Regularly assessing security and compliance postures.

Delivering high quality IT Infrastructure with comprehensive suite of Tools & Applications


Ready to Elevate Your Business in the Cloud?

Contact us today to explore how our Cloud Infrastructure services can drive innovation, efficiency and growth for your business.